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The Fragility of Truth


Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Show


The Fragility of Truth is a workshop that explores the performativity of conspiracy theories. Through questions, games and embodied exercises, the workshop deconstructs conspiracy theories as a behaviour, and subverts their fear mongering capacities.


Through a series of acts, the audience looks at what it means to question our tacit beliefs through an immediate confrontation, how our beliefs exist on online platforms and their affordances, and how a conspiratorial narrative can be constructed and enacted towards other bodies.

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The Fragility of Truth illustrates the vulnerability of our positioning within truth through a series of questions and deconstructing workshop activities. Its outcome activates audiences to enact and embody an empathic understanding of conspiracy theories as a phenomenon in contemporary culture, and is informed by the theoretical framework of the Rhizome Theory by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. It specifically addresses and rejects the common dualist approach of fighting fact vs fact, truth vs lie, information vs. misinformation. Rather than proposing answers or the right belief, it questions how you know your facts and information in the first place.​


Conspiracy theories have always existed throughout history, however the access to their ubiquity has never been more prevalent than in the contemporary age of the internet. They are a manifestation of contemporary culture’s critique and suspicion. Typically a dualist approach has been enacted against them, and mainstream institutional knowledge dismisses them as alternative knowledge.Currently, we find ourselves in an increasingly polarising world however, and it becomes evident that fighting the fact vs. fact, as mainstream institutions have traditionally done, no longer suffices in maintaining  and understanding truth within society. One can simply reject fact.


Through the theory of the rhizome, we can consider a new approach that does not pick singular fragments and elements of truths, but rather considers truth as a notion that is strongly entangled within cultural norms, fluctuating organism in constant change. Empathy is achieved in succumbing to misinformed narratives, or deeply entrenched preconceptions, as the methodology of cognitive behavioural therapy allows for responsibly considered understandings of truths. 


Finally, the simple narratives of conspiracy theories lose power to ignite fear or blind-sided belief, and a more rationalised approach to considering our truths can be achieved. Similarly, established knowledge can reconsider its approach to conspiracy theories as a rather more intrinsic and undeniable pocket of belief systems within current information landscapes. 

To book these workshops please contact me through the Contact page


Workshops can be adjusted to age group of audiences


Exhibited at:

Maastricht Museum Nacht, Bureau Europa



I Know That They Know (that they know that we know),

De Fabriek






GS19, Design Academy Graduation Show, Campinaterrein Eindhoven


All photos by Rachel Moron

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